How to disable KDE Wallet?

Solution 1:

KDE Wallet is a core part of KDE, it's in the package kdebase-runtime.

To disable it run kcmshell4 kwalletconfig and continue at step 3 or start from the beginning:

  1. Start System setings
  2. Open Account Details
  3. Go to the "KDE Wallet" tab
  4. Uncheck Enable the KDE Wallet subsystem
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes and close the settings window.

To get a list of the programs that depends on the kdebase-runtime package, run:

 apt-cache --no-enhances --no-suggests --no-recommends --installed rdepends kdebase-runtime

On Ubuntu, the output shows just "kdebase-runtime [newline] Reverse Depends:". On Kubuntu, a whole list follows.

Solution 2:

I got rid of the "KDE Wallet System" dialog (whenever I started Chrome) as follows:

  1. Edit ~/.config/kwalletrc (see note below), and add

  2. Kill the kdewallet daemon:
    pkill kdewallet5 (or killall kdewallet5)

I found this option when I looked through the source code (on or at the Github mirror).

If putting kwalletrc in ~/.config does not work, then your system probably uses a different directory for storing configuration files. The config file is created in a directory identified by QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation, so I used qtpaths to look up the path (~/.config = /home/rob/.config in my case):

$ qtpaths --paths GenericConfigLocation

Note: if you don't want to completely disable kwallet, but only for Chrome, you can use the --password-store=basic flag as I explained at Disable kwallet popups from chrome. If you start Chrome via a wrapper script or shortcut, I recommend using --password-store=basic in case you need kwallet for something else. I disabled kwalletd instead of using this flag because I develop Chrome, and it's inconvenient to add this flag all the time when I run ./chrome.

(Tested on ArchLinux, but it should also work on Ubuntu. Use sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-tools if you want to use qtpaths to find the configuration directory).