Transitive verbs without direct objects [closed]

Your linguistics teacher is right.

""She put the book on the table." is wrong without 'on the table' part."

"She put the book."

Where? In the refrigerator? In the ocean? A bookshelf? Her backpack? The ground? Into orbit?

There are practically an infinite amount of places she could put the book, and without knowing where she put it, it is not a complete thought. If it is not a complete thought, it isn't a complete sentence.

"Some examples: He killed him."

This only works in a visual medium like a comic book or movie\tv show, or even real life and would involve pointing to emphasize who exactly "he" and "him" are.

"-Who killed him?"

This also requires further explanation either visually or in explaining sentences either before or after, or even both in a book or story.

"+Bob killed. Some guy goes to jail and someone asks him: What did you do to end up here? + I killed, I robbed, I raped."

This is a perfect example of what I mean, you set it up with Bob, then add in someone talking to Bob, as well as a setting, and have him ask a question; the question is then succinctly, but not completely answered by Bob. It is a prime example of what I tried to say before.