How do I export data from Firebase Realtime Database?

Solution 1:

Data can be exported from the Firebase Realtime Database as JSON:

  1. Login to the Database section of the Firebase Console.
  2. Navigate to the node you wish to export by clicking on it in the list (skip this to export all data).
  3. Click the 3-dot overflow menu icon, at the top-right of the data panel.
  4. Click Export JSON from the menu.

    console menu screenshot

Likewise, you can import a structure in the same fashion, using Import JSON.

Solution 2:

There is an Node.js tool called firebase-export, similar to firebase-import but not from Firebase itself, that will export JSON from the command line.

Firebase export helper utility for exporting excluded JSON from Firebase.

To install

npm install -g firebase-export

Usage example

$ firebase-export --database_url --firebase_secret '1234' --exclude 'settings/*, users/*/settings'

Github Repo

Note: Firebase has a REST API, so you can use any language to retrieve (export) data:

curl 'https://[PROJECT_ID]'

Here's an example curl request with filters

curl '"height"&startAt=3&print=pretty'

Solution 3:

If you have a large JSON file then it is safe to download it using Postman's Import feature because downloading a large JSON file sometimes faces failure in the middle of the way. You just need to click save the response after the response is reached. enter image description here