Removing item from vector while iterating?

The most readable way I've done this in the past is to use std::vector::erase combined with std::remove_if. In the example below, I use this combination to remove any number less than 10 from a vector.

(For non-c++0x, you can just replace the lambda below with your own predicate:)

// a list of ints
int myInts[] = {1, 7, 8, 4, 5, 10, 15, 22, 50. 29};
std::vector v(myInts, myInts + sizeof(myInts) / sizeof(int));

// get rid of anything < 10
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), 
                       [](int i) { return i < 10; }), v.end());

I agree with wilx's answer. Here is an implementation:

// curFiles is: vector < string > curFiles;

vector< string >::iterator it = curFiles.begin();

while(it != curFiles.end()) {

    if(aConditionIsMet) {

        it = curFiles.erase(it);
    else ++it;