In Windows 7, the window title's color (by default black, to see the title in the title bar fire up Windows Media Player for example) is stored in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors] TitleText value.

This is not the case in Windows 8, since this value is only used when using high contrast theme.

It looks like noone has come up with a way to change this color yet, so my question is, where to look? What tools can I use to see dependencies, what could be the way to find this value (I rightfully hope it's not a constant in code).

Solution 1:

I found a possible solution here:

However it's very much use at your own risk.

This is an at your own Risk tutorial Create a Restore Point

Then, go here

Dark theme for Windows8 RTM by ~Nighthawk-F22 on deviantART

Then you will also need this,

Homepage M. Hoefs - Software

Run the UXTheme Patcher

Will patch the following files and append .backup to the originals...

uxinit.dll uxtheme.dll themeui.dll

If you uninstall UXThemePatcher it is supposed to replace the original files back.

Then try to copy the files from the Visual Style in the first link (I used Theme Without Thin White Inline Frame) to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes

And overwrite the files.

If you have to take Ownership of the Themes folder, that is fine and then give Full Admin Rights to it and child objects. DO NOT TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE SYSTEM32 FOLDER as a whole, or even your C: drive. ONLY the Themes folder. You have been warned.

You may have to reboot a couple of times, Also, when you change themes the first time, Windows may freak out, but just reboot and it should be OK. Otherwise, you may have to do a restore and try again.