BDD and TDD for node.js?
Mocha gets my vote now!
You could have a look at the testing modules section from the node.js modules page. For example Vows is a pretty popular BDD framework.
Vows is a behavior driven development framework for Node.js.
Check out mocha - (github)
Also mocha-cakes, my attempt for Cucumber syntax on mocha.
If you are used to rspec, Jasmine is pretty nice. I've not used it on Node.js, but I have used it for testing a backbone app. It's syntax is very similar to rspec. Taken from the site above:
describe("Jasmine", function() {
it("makes testing JavaScript awesome!", function() {
It's listed in the link provided by Alfred above, but since folks listed Vows as an example, I figured I'd give Jasmine a bump, especially since it's syntactically similar to rspec ;)
There is the 'Vows' project for BDD on Node, looks pretty nice. It's a bit different from RSpec/Cucumber, but it's pretty fun