Unity launcher for Intellij duplicate after application loading

You can get Intellij to generate the icon in /usr/share/applications for you to copy to your launcher:

  1. Open a terminal, in idea/bin folder
  2. Start IntelliJ with ./idea.sh
  3. Tools -> Generate Desktop Entry enter image description here
  4. Close IntelliJ
  5. In the terminal, start nautilus as admin (gksudo nautilus)
  6. Go to /usr/share/applications
  7. Drag the new icon for IntelliJ to your launcher

Solved this by adding 'StartupWMClass=jetbrains-idea' to the desktop file. Got help from here.

BTW colleague provide a easier way of creating a unity launcher for Intellij.

  1. Go to tools -> Generate Desktop Entry from Intellj IDEA ( it crates the desktop file for you)
  2. Search in from dash, run and lock it to the launcher.