What is export * in module.modulemap file inside each framework?
Solution 1:
Objective-C Module Map(.modulemap) for Objective-C and Swift
Objective-C language exposes API thought .modulemap for Objective-C and Swift languages
[ObjC Module]
[Custom .modulemap]
It is about LLVM Modules and Module Map Language. Modulemap
exposes C header files for external binaries. It is a bridge between module and headers. Modulemap helps to convert #include, #import -> @import
because it has a mapping between module name and headers inside. Also modulemap helps to create standalone additional modules and submodules. Modulemap can contains a lot of modules(only one has to have the same name as product name) and a lot of submodules
//Objective-C exposes API thought .modulemap for Objective-C and Swift
.h.m uses .h.m = Objective-C consumer, Objective-C producer = .modulemap
.swift uses .h.m = Swift consumer, Objective-C producer = .modulemap
Framework which includes .modulemap
is called Modular Framework
. Path:
- When you create a library[Example] you should create and setup it manually
- When you create a framework[Example] it is setup automatically
Even if you create Swift framework Xcode automatically creates modulemap
[Mixing Objective-C and Swift in the same Application]