PHP: Testing whether three variables are equal

Solution 1:

if ((a == b) && (b == c)) {
   ... they're all equal ...

by the transitive relation

Solution 2:

$values = array($select_above_average, $select_average, $select_below_average);

if(count(array_unique($values)) === 1) {
    // do stuff if all elements are the same

Would be another way to do it.

Solution 3:

if ($select_above_average === $select_average
    && $select_average === $select_below_average) { }

Solution 4:

you already have your answer by Adam but a good way to remember how to do this correctly is to remember for a single validation you should be wrapping in () braces, if your only doing one single check then you already have the braces provided by the if ( ) statement.


if ( a === b )

and if your doing multiple then

if( ( a === b ) && ( c === d ) )

Sop if you remember that every set of braces is a validation check, you can have login like this:

if( (( a === b ) || ( c === d )) && ( e === f ) )

if statements and many other logical operations work on hierarchy so that the amount of individual checks within a check has an effect on he parent check.

taking the third example above if a === b or c === d fails then e === f will never be checked as the ab,cd is wrapped in braces so that is returned and checked.

Hope this helps you a little more.