I've installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my HP i7 Laptop. It is dual-boot setup along with Windows 8.

  • Ubuntu ----installed on--> SSD 32Gb

  • Windows 8 ----installed on--> HDD

Problem: Internet works much slower on Ubuntu, most of the times web-pages don't even open.

On windows 8, it runs buttery smooth, I have no problem what so ever in windows 8. I have tried to connect with multiple WiFi routers (as I'm in my university) and windows 8 doesn't have any slow browsing problem, only Ubuntu has. So kindly guide me what can I do?

Browsers on Ubuntu:

  • Chromium (Primary)
  • Firefox

One thing to note is that I'm behind a PROXY SERVER. I can't check connectivity on broadband.

What works?

  • Wired Connection (LAN/Ethernet) works fine in Ubuntu 14.04. I seem to have only problem with WiFi connections, & WiFi connections are my 97% main source of surfing.

Fix the bug in Debian Avahi-daemon

The slow WiFi in Ubuntu problem could also be related to a bug in Avahi-daemon of Debian. Ubuntu and many other Linux distribution are based on Debian so this bug propagates to several Linux distributions. To fix this bug, you have to edit the nsswitch configuration file. Open a terminal and use the following command:

sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf

This will open the configuration file in gedit so that you could edit it easily in GUI. In here, look for the following line:

hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4

If you find this file, replace it with the following line:

hosts: files dns

Save it, close it, restart your computer. It should fix the slow wireless connection problem for you. If it doesn’t check the other solution.

Works for me. Hope same does for you :) If it dosen't , try other solutions , from here :http://itsfoss.com/speed-up-slow-wifi-connection-ubuntu/

Slow internet is solved by this thread on ubuntu forums for me.

It basically asks you to first check the connection speed after the following command in terminal as a test-

sudo modprobe -r rt2800pci
sudo modprobe -v rt2800 pci nohwcrypt=1

If the connection speed improves, you can make it permanent by opening the conf file in gedit using this command -

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/rt2800pci.conf

When gedit opens, enter the following line in the file -

options rt2800pci nohwcrypt=1

save and close gedit. Internet speed will greatly improve after this.