Real life situation: placing bets on a betting website. Users would double click and get two bets placed. Not good! Javascript checks were not sufficient to prevent this.


  1. Create UUID/GUID hidden input in form using server-side scripting language that renders the form.

  2. On form submission immediately add this to a database table called UniqueSubmissions (for example). Then proceed with processing.

  3. Every subsequent request with the same UUID/GUID will be rejected if found in the UniqueSubmissions table.

This worked for us. Hope that helps answer your question!

If you are working with java server side scripting and also using struts 2 then you refer this link which talks about on using token .

A token should be generated and kept in session for the initial page render, when the request is submitted along with the token for the first time , in struts action run a thread with thread name as the token id and run the logic whatever the client has requested for , when client submit again the same request, check whether the thread is still running(thread.getcurrentthread().interrupted) if still running then send a client redirect 503.

Please look at the ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor of struts 2code, the logic of this combined with token will help out fast click

Use the redirect-after-post or sometimes called PRG (post/redirect/get)

In short, when the user posts the form, you perform a client side redirect (after consuming the post data) to the response (success) page.

A real life example would be this answer posted twice ;-). If you don't want to rely on any aspect of the client side (javascript, or even cookies), you can calculate an MD5 hash of the data submitted, possibly by adding information such as source IP and the browser used, and reject posts that have the same hash.

The web2py framework has built-in protection against double form submission. It stores a one-time token in the session as well as in a hidden field in the form, and they must match upon submission or the submission is rejected. This method also protects against CSRF (cross-site request forgery).