Prevent onmouseout when hovering child element of the parent absolute div WITHOUT jQuery

I am having trouble with the onmouseout function in an absolute positoned div. When the mouse hits a child element in the div, the mouseout event fires, but I do not want it to fire until the mouse is out of the parent, absolute div.

How can I prevent the mouseout event from firing when it hits a child element WITHOUT jquery.

I know this has something to do with event bubbling, but I am having no luck on finding out how to work this out.

I found a similar post here: How to disable mouseout events triggered by child elements?

However that solution uses jQuery.

Solution 1:

Use onmouseleave.

Or, in jQuery, use mouseleave()

It is the exact thing you are looking for. Example:

<div class="outer" onmouseleave="yourFunction()">
    <div class="inner">

or, in jQuery:

    //your code here

an example is here.

Solution 2:

For a simpler pure CSS solution that works in most cases, one could remove children's pointer-events by setting them to none

.parent * {
     pointer-events: none;

Browser support: IE11+