Check checkbox when clicking on description

I will be creating a list of check boxes that will be built by jQuery and JSON. The list will be a selection of groups that a message can be sent to. It could be one of more groups. This part I can figure out. The problem I am having is how do I enable the description so that when I click on the description, the checkbox is selected.

    <label for="group">
        Select lists
    <input type="checkbox" name="group" id="group" value="1" title="Main List" />Main List
    <input type="checkbox" name="group" id="group" value="2" title="Secondary List" />Secondary List

Use a Label with for attribute (I assigned different IDs for checkboxes) :

    <label for="group">
        Select lists
    <input type="checkbox" name="group" id="group1" value="1" title="Main List" />
    <label for="group1">Main List</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="group" id="group2" value="2" title="Secondary List" />
    <label for="group2">Secondary List</label>

A different solution (without using the "for" attribute) is including each <input /> field inside of <label></label> tags.


<label><input type="checkbox" value="" /> Click Here to Check This</label>

This could a solution if you have to display the checkboxes with labels as inline-block.

First: you have a duplicate id in there. An id should be unique.

The easiest way is to use the label tag, e.g.:

<input type="checkbox" name="group" id="group_1" />
<label for="group_1">description</label>

Now you can click on the text and it'll toggle the checkbox. An alternative is to use jQuery's click function:

Also you could use jQuery if you don't want to user a 'label'

 <input type="checkbox" name="SelectionCheckbox" id="SelectionCheckbox" />  
<div onclick="$('input[id $=SelectionCheckbox]').attr('checked', this.checked);"> 
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