Install & configure mod_ssl on Amazon EC2 instance

I am trying to support HTTPS traffic with the mod_ssl module on my website. I am running an Amazon EC2 instance for my server. I have installed and configured the basic LAMP packages. However, when I go to put in SSL-specific commands in my apache config files (ie. SSLEngine, SSLCertificateFile, etc) it spits out an error and says that I have a syntax error or the module is not loaded.

My next step was to try $ sudo yum install mod_ssl. However, yum comes back and says, "Processing Conflict...Error: httpd24-tools conflicts with httpd-tools". So, I figured that mod_ssl is included in the httpd-tools package. I then ran $ sudo yum install httpd24-tools but it comes back and tells me I already have that package installed.

Now how come I have the httpd-tools package installed, and mod_ssl is not loaded in my system? Isn't mod_ssl included in the httpd-tools package? I created a test php file <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> just to make sure. My suspicions were confirmed—no 'mod_ssl' is listed under the apache2handler loaded modules table in phpinfo.

So, I'm not exactly sure how to load in/install/configure mod_ssl with the Amazon Linux AMI's. Any help would be appreciated. Here's my current specs:

  • Amazon Linux AMI 2012.09
  • Apache 2.4
  • PHP 5.4

Ran this command to setup server:

$ sudo yum install httpd24 php54 php54-devel php54-mysql php54-common php54-gd php54-xml php54-mbstring php54-mcrypt php54-pecl-apc mysql-server mod_ssl openssl httpd54-devel mysql libjpeg libpng phpmyadmin

Try to run yum install mod24_ssl instead, which I think you've already done. Any packages that have additional versions usually require the version to be specified for any dependencies. So everything for php54 would be prefixed with php54-.

If you're ever unsure, you can always do a yum search with some keywords. For example: yum search mod ssl lists the available packages.