Pass jquery variables between iframe and parent

How can I work with jQuery and iframe. Get and pass var from iframe to body and from body to iframe. I have the following example. How can I click the button in iframe and make it take effect on the the body #test. How about ready var x in iframe.

var x = "whatever";
<div id"test"></div>
<iframe width="200px" height="200px" src="page.html"></iframe>

Inside page.html i have

var elm = $('<span>content</span>');

Solution 1:

$("#myid", top.document); 


$("#myid", parent.document.body); 

This will give you access to the container of the IFRAME

as per :

Solution 2:

From the parents perspective:

var iFrameValue = $('#iframe').get(0).contentWindow.myLocalFunction();


var iFrameValue = $('#iframe').get(0).contentWindow.myLocalVariable;

From the iframe perspective

<script type="text/javascript">

var myLocalVariable = "hello";

function myLocalFunction () {
    return "hello";


Solution 3:

You can use contentWindow and contentDocument properties, if same origin poilicy is not a problem. I've setup a demo. View code for the demo and code for iframe.