Chrome new tab page changed but I want it back

After an second attempt and failing on it, i've found the solution. It isn't that hard to do.

First you have to determine the id of the extension that has changed the new tab. You do that to go to the extensions -> then go in development mode -> and then you see the ID's.

After that, go to the chrome default folder (C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default ) and copy (for backup) the file Preferences

Now close chrome, and open the file Preferences in any texteditor.

Search the file for something like this:

"chrome_url_overrides": {
         "newtab": [ "chrome-extension://aaaangaohdajkgeopjhpbnlpkehbhmbj/config/skin/new-tab.html" ]

NOTE! the ID is probably difrent, but it has to be something like this : chrome-extension://ID_OF_EXTENSION/.....

Now look further down for "settings" and then the id of your extension.

There will be again somekind of this line:

"chrome_url_overrides": {
                  "newtab": "config/skin/new-tab.html"

Delete that one to.

Save the file and start chrome and it will be fixed.

self answer by OP


The problem with this is that you have to reset the default settings of chrome. This can you do verry simple, with the following steps:

The file path: Users --> Your User Folder --> AppData (this might be a hidden folder if you aren't admin) --> Local --> Google --> Chrome --> Default

The folder "Default" contains all of the requisite settings. To reset Chrome, close it and change the folder name of "Default" to anything else... "Default old" or "Default broken" or whatever else you like. Once you reopen Chrome it will be reset!

If you want to retain some settings (especially things like bookmarks and login info) you can copy (don't just move them because they should be kept intact as backups; copy them) those files into your new Default folder any time that Chrome is closed.

When you've done that, the problem is solved (depends on what you copy back or not, because you mayby copy the wrong settings back, but you will find out soon enought).

Hope this helps somebody else in the future also.


(post of Azzmo)

This worked well for me. Type into the address bar:


Then select "Reset all to default"

Hope it helps, Patrick