What is the sponsored party called?

Google results for sponsee have scattered definitions in unreliable sources, so it does not appear that is a real word. I'm looking for something similar, a single word.

The specific context is a social group membership application where new members must be sponsored (as in definition 2, here - "one who assumes responsibility for some other person or thing") by existing members. I am looking for a single word to describe the target of such a sponsorship. I am about to sponsor a fraternity, but I would like to have a more general word for what I'm sponsoring. Next time, the fraternity could well be a study club, or something else.

Therefore, what is the sponsored party also called? E.g. if I sponsor somebody, that person is my __?

Sounds like a beneficiary.

It's a reasonably broad term, but sponsoring is similarly broad.

In the section of their Consolidated Code regarding sponsorship, the International Chamber of Commerce sticks to sponsored party.

Apparently, they wanted to avoid hideous neologisms like sponsee -- which isn't even in my Merriam-Webster Unabridged.

Protégé would appear to fit the bill. OED:

A person (sometimes spec. a boy or man) who receives the protection or patronage of another; a person who is guided and supported by someone with greater experience or influence. Also in extended use.

The bit about “(sometimes spec. a boy or man)” has to do with the word’s French and gendered character: the feminine form would be protégée.

This word also serves as counterpart to mentor; attempts to substitute telemachus for that function have gone nowhere.