Radius of convergence of power series

Given a meromorphic function on $\mathbb{C}$, is the radius of convergence in a regular point exactly the distance to the closest pole?

As Robert Israel points out in his answer, that this is of course an upper bound by the Cauchy-Hadamard principle.

Theo Buehler in the comments gives a refernce for the non obvious direction: Remmert, Theory of complex functions, Chapter 7, §3, p.210ff (p. 164ff of my old German edition). Look for Cauchy-Taylor.

Yes, it is (that should be "pole", not "pol"). If $r$ is the distance from $z_0$ to the closest pole, the function is analytic in $\{z: |z - z_0| < r\}$, so the radius of convergence is at least $r$, but it can't be more than $r$ because $|f(z)| \to \infty$ as $z$ approaches that pole.