Matplotlib bar graph not drawing borders/edges

I have this code for my bar graph.

ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,1),(0,0)), Nnorm, width=0.02, edgecolor='green', linewidth=20)

I thought that should make my bar graph have green edges. But it does not. It makes one bar on the far left green. What am I doing wrong? Facecolor works.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, this is a bug in matplotlib 2.1. It is fixed in matplotlib version 2.2.

As of now a workaround is to set the edgecolor and linewidth for each bar individually:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

bars =, [3,4,1,5])
for bar in bars:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

As already explained this is a matplotlib bug. However, it's only a missing broadcast of the edgecolor, so here's a more compact workaround:, y, linewidth=20, edgecolor=['g']*len(x))

Solution 3:

Another solution is to pass an alpha parameter:, [3,4,1,5], alpha=1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=20)

NOTE: This only works if the edgecolor you are setting is black, otherwise the first column will have the correct edgecolor and the rest will be black