How to change photo import settings in Windows 8

Solution 1:

For Cameras, Phones, and Connected Devices

  • Open Explorer to Computer
  • Right-click on the device you connected (camera, iPhone, etc.))
  • Select on Import pictures and videos
  • Import Adjust the settings as you want

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

For SD cards

  • Rightclick on the removable disk
  • Select Open as Portable Device
  • Rightclick on the portable device in the folder pane to see the import option. If you rightclick on the portable device in the main view it doesn't give you the option, but does by rightclicking in the folder list.

Solution 2:

Someone answered a very similar question I posed elsewhere with the following helpful solution:

You can get the "old" functionality back by creating a shortcut:

  1. right-click desktop, "new shortcut"

  2. paste the following in as the location:

    %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoAcq.dll",PhotoAndVideoAcquire

  3. hit next and type a name - e.g. photo import wizard

  4. hit finish

now you should have a shortcut and when you double-click it, you should see a list of connected devices that you can import photos from