Codesign wants to access key "access" in your keychain, I put in my login password but keeps asking me

Had the same issue. It was fixed after I entered my mac user password and hit Always Allow.

Solve this problem by doing this.

  1. Enter your Mac Login Password and Choose "Always Allow"

  2. One or More dialogs opened and positioned in the same dialog, repeat step 1 until all dialogs closed. (So you thought your password wrong but repeat "Always Allow" with your Mac login password tricky part :) )

Hope it will work.

I pressed Deny by mistake and I was stuck, no way to code sign any Pods.

This is how I solved the problem:

  • Open the keychain
  • look for the key
  • open it
  • click on the Access Control tab
  • at the bottom there's Always allow access for these applications: -> add Xcode in the list
  • Don't forget to press Save Changes

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