How do I get the names in my icon theme for use with pythons appindicator module?

How do I get the strings I can insert instead of 'gtk-execute'?


import gobject
import gtk
import appindicator

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ind = appindicator.Indicator("example-simple-client", "gtk-execute",
    ind.set_status (appindicator.STATUS_ACTIVE)

    menu = gtk.Menu()

    for i in range(3):
        buf = "Test-undermenu - %d" % i
        menu_items = gtk.MenuItem(buf)
        menu_items.connect("activate", gtk.main_quit)


My answer below pretty much does it. Still it would be nice to have some python code that puts out all available icons.

Solution 1:


import gtk

icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
print icon_theme.list_icons()

The output of which is a tuple of all the icon names:

('input-gaming', 'gnome-aorta', 'stock_bottom', 'config-language', ...) 

See also: gtk.IconTheme.list_icons in the pygtk docs

If you'd like to get your icon as a GtkPixbuf, you can use the load_icon method:

>>> icon_theme.load_icon("gtk-execute", 48, 0)
<gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object at 0xb737443c (GdkPixbuf at 0x907bf38)>

If you want a filename instead, you can use the lookup_icon method:

>>> icon_theme.lookup_icon("gtk-execute", 48, 0).get_filename()

Where 48 is the size of the desired icon (see also: get_icon_sizes).

Solution 2:

It follows regular icon naming, which will, as far as I know, start at your theme and then keep falling back till it matches something with the name.

Taking for example the Faenza icon theme I currently use.

In /usr/share/icons/Faenza/index.theme it says (clipped)

[Icon Theme]
Comment=Icon theme project with tilish style, by Tiheum

Notice the Inherits=... line? Those are Faenza's "fallbacks" in case it doesn't have the icon itself.

This is relevant to your question, because you can enter a name for an icon and then the icon will first be searched for in /usr/share/icons/YOURICONTHEME/. In the odd case that it doesn't find it, it will check the fallbacks (in this case /usr/share/icons/gnome/ and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/). You'll find that most (Ubuntu) icon themes inherit from gnome and/or hicolor so if you use the name of an icon in these folders, you can most likely rest assured that every theme will show an icon.

Solution 3:

Shameless selfanswer:

Edit: No not really. Wrong incomplete answer. For instance "indicator-messages" is not included in that list.

Update: In the folder /usr/share/icons/MYTHEME where MYTHEME denotes the name of the theme in use should be the icons. Will test that now.

Update2: Yes all icons in the aforementioned folder work! And the themes have fallbacks for items not found. The ones in gtk-stock mentioned in the link earlier are from the fallbacks. Would be nice to have some python code that puts out all available icons. One fare good using standard-items of the gtk-stock and the default-theme only, as the others' presence depends on the theme the user employs on runtime.