Move files using just keyboard in Mac Finder?

As a Windows user in previous life, I kind of miss moving files using just keyboard.

Is this possible with in Mac OS X?

Edit: Related problem is navigating in finder using just keyboard without that this really hard. You open two windows using mouse then use keyboard is just the same as using mouse

I'm answering my own question but Mac OS X Lion has it now finally. in Lion, if you hold Option when pasting a copied Finder item (Command-Option-V), it really does move it. (via

Cmd-X doesn't work on files by default. You can enable it by executing

defaults write AllowCutForItems 1

in a terminal. But all it does it is just moving the file to trash.

As someone said before you can move files with Cmd+dragNDrop (or just drop&drag :)), but you need mouse to do that. Maybe there are some scripts that copies&paste and then deletes the original file? I dunno.

You may want to look for a 3rd party software, something that is equivalent to Total Commander or something like that...