Add an existing folder to TFS source control

Just select the folder after selecting the "Add Items to Folder..." option. You can get to this is from the context menu you get when right clicking on a folder (either the name or the actual folder itself).

The next page of the wizard will present you with lists of included and excluded files. Select the files you want and then hit "Finish".

Then submit the pending changes.

Let me share you a easier way that I just figured out. (I was having the same trouble, and that is why I found this post.)

Drag the folder you want to add to the solution explorer and drop at the place you want to add.

Ta Ta ! It is done.

Mine is VS2010.

Before dragging and dropping or selecting Add Items To Folder, you must map the parent TFS folder to your local drive.

That is, if you want to add a C:\Stuff\HelloWorld directory to the /Top/Projects folder in TFS, you must first map /Top/Projects to C:\Stuff and then add HelloWorld.