System Settings icons missing in 14.04

Solution 1:

I had exactly the same problem - same icons missing as well. I had stupidly uninstalled gnome-bluetooth, and nothing was fixing it. So I did what user282306 (r00t) suggested -

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

And I've got them all back again.

Kudos @user282306 (previously r00t) for the suggestion.

Solution 2:

This issue was resolved for me by (re-)installing unity-control-center

apt-get install unity-control-center.

I didn't want to re-install the whole ubuntu-desktop because it was going to install a bunch of packages I didn't want/need and use another 100MB of space.

Compared to just 4MB with unity-control-center

Solution 3:

Most likely (probably due to some dependency issue) below packages were removed:

  • unity-control-center-signon
  • gnome-control-center-unity

This command should resolve this issue:

sudo apt-get install unity-control-center-signon gnome-control-center-unity

Solution 4:

If you use Awesome WM, to start the settings panel, use either of:

  • (17.04+)

    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity7 unity-control-center
  • (16.10-)

    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity unity-control-center

See unity-control-center icons missing when using xsession desktop with awesome window manager