Notations that are mnemonic outside of English

Some conventional math notations seem arbitrary to English speakers but were mnemonic to non-English speakers who started them. To give a simple example, Z is the symbol for integers because of the German word Zahl(en) 'number(s)'. What are some more examples?

In topology the letter $F$ is commonly used to denote a closed set, from French fermé 'closed [set]'. The common use of $K$ to denote a compact set is probably from German kompakt, as in kompakte Menge 'compact set' and kompakter Raum 'compact space'. The common use of $k$ to denote an arbitrary field is probably from German Körper 'field'. The common use of $G$ for an open set is probably from German Gebiet 'region', though as a mathematical term it now means 'non-empty, connected, open set'. The notation $G_\delta$-set for the intersection of countably many open sets combines this $G$ with $\delta$ for German Durchschnitt 'intersection'. Presumably $F_\sigma$-set for the union of countably many closed sets is from the $F$ above and $\sigma$ for French somme 'sum'. The $T$ in the names of the separation axioms $T_1,T_2$, etc. is from German Trennungsaxiom 'separation axiom'.

Eigen (as in the eigen vectors of a matrix) is Dutch/German for "own".

A function is often called càdlàg if it is right-continuous and admits left limits. This term is from the french continue à droite, limite à gauche.