Show all open windows in 11.04?

Solution 1:

Super+W can do it but if you want to add Mouse Gestures to it, Like Gnome 3 you can do the following:

(as pointed out in comments)

  • Install Compiz Settings Manager

  • Run it, Go to Commands under General

  • Set Command 0 in Edge Bindings and come back to "Command" tab

  • Enter "xdotool key Super_L+w" in Command Line 0

  • Install package xdotool

Solution 2:

Install compizconfig-settings-manager.


scale plugin > bindings - initiate window picker or initiate window picker for all windows, choose the edge binding

Solution 3:

use the window symbol + W this will show all open windows

Solution 4:

How about this solution: install xdotool

apt-get install xdotool

Open compizconfig and add a new command:

xdotool key Super_L+w

Then just select an Edge Binding and click a corner of the screen to use.