Struggling to reword this sentence [closed]

I work for a holiday company and creating an email that gets sent to people who have booked their holiday. It basically is asking them to book "extras" to their holiday. The thing is, some people may have booked these already and it's very hard to take these people out of this big email list. So I've decided I'll keep people in there who HAVE booked their extras and those who HAVEN'T as well. I don't want people who have booked their extras to then think they haven't when they receive this email so I need to word it carefully.

I know what I want to say but don't know how to write it well. I wanted to say something along the lines of:

" If you're already booked these, then don't worry. "

Solution 1:

"If you have already booked it, then don't worry" Use this if you are saying it to a person

"If you have already booked these, then don't worry" Use this if you are showing it to a person