How can I make a script that opens terminal windows and executes commands in them?

gnome-terminal -- command


xterm -e command


konsole -e command

Pretty much

terminal -e command

To make the terminal stay when the command exits:

In konsole there is a --noclose flag.

In xterm, there is a -hold flag.

In gnome-terminal, go to Edit -> Profile Preferences -> Title. Click the Command tab. Select Hold the terminal from the drop-down menu labelled When command exits. You should create a new profile for that and execute with

gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=NAMEOFTHEPROFILE -e command

Instead of hard-coding gnome-terminal, konsole, et cetera, use the Alternatives system. The program that executes the default terminal emulator is:


On my system, it opens a new instance of Konsole every time I execute this command.

Luckily, the terminals seems to support the -e option for executing a command (I verified it for konsole and gnome-terminal). Arguments after the command are passed to the invoked command. Bash refuses to stay open in my terminal, an additional script is needed to get a terminal:

exec "$SHELL"

If you've saved the previous script as /home/user/hacky and made it executable, you would run your scripts with:

x-terminal-emulator -e /home/user/hacky your-script optional arguments here

The full path is required and /home/user/hacky has to be executable.

My previous attempt to run a script in a new terminal window can be found in revision #2, it was before I realised arguments can be passed to x-terminal-emulator.