Scale GameObject over time

Solution 1:

This can be done with the Time.deltaTime and Vector3.Lerp in a coroutine function. Similar to Rotate GameObject over time and Move GameObject over time questions. Modified it a little bit to do just this.

bool isScaling = false;

IEnumerator scaleOverTime(Transform objectToScale, Vector3 toScale, float duration)
    //Make sure there is only one instance of this function running
    if (isScaling)
        yield break; ///exit if this is still running
    isScaling = true;

    float counter = 0;

    //Get the current scale of the object to be moved
    Vector3 startScaleSize = objectToScale.localScale;

    while (counter < duration)
        counter += Time.deltaTime;
        objectToScale.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScaleSize, toScale, counter / duration);
        yield return null;

    isScaling = false;


Will scale GameObject within 20 seconds:

StartCoroutine(scaleOverTime(cylinder.transform, new Vector3(0, 0, 90), 20f));

Solution 2:

Check out Lerp. A general example of how to use it would be something like this:

float t = 0;
    t += Time.deltaTime;
    cylinder.localScale = new Vector3(1, Mathf.Lerp(2f, 1f, t/3f), 1); // shrink from 2 to 1 over 3 seconds;