How to play YouTube video in my Android application?

Solution 1:

This is the btn click event

btnvideo.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {

    startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("")));
    Log.i("Video", "Video Playing....");


this type it opened in another page with the youtube where u can show your video

Solution 2:


  1. Create a new Activity, for your player(fullscreen) screen with menu options. Run the mediaplayer and UI in different threads.

  2. For playing media - In general to play audio/video there is mediaplayer api in android. FILE_PATH is the path of file - may be url(youtube) stream or local file path

     MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();

Also check: Android YouTube app Play Video Intent have already discussed this in detail.