How can one see the structure of a table in SQLite? [duplicate]

How can I see the structure of table in SQLite as desc was in Oracle?

PRAGMA table_info(table_name);

This will work for both: command-line and when executed against a connected database.

A link for more details and example. thanks SQLite Pragma Command

Invoke the sqlite3 utility on the database file, and use its special dot commands:

  • .tables will list tables
  • .schema [tablename] will show the CREATE statement(s) for a table or tables

There are many other useful builtin dot commands -- see the documentation at, section Special commands to sqlite3.


sqlite> entropy:~/Library/Mail>sqlite3 Envelope\ Index
SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
addresses              ews_folders            subjects
alarms                 feeds                  threads
associations           mailboxes              todo_notes
attachments            messages               todos
calendars              properties             todos_deleted_log
events                 recipients             todos_server_snapshot
sqlite> .schema alarms
                     todo INTEGER, flags INTEGER, offset_days INTEGER,
                     reminder_date INTEGER, time INTEGER, argument,
                     unrecognized_data BLOB);
CREATE INDEX alarm_id_index ON alarms(alarm_id);
CREATE INDEX alarm_todo_index ON alarms(todo);

Note also that SQLite saves the schema and all information about tables in the database itself, in a magic table named sqlite_master, and it's also possible to execute normal SQL queries against that table. For example, the documentation link above shows how to derive the behavior of the .schema and .tables commands, using normal SQL commands (see section: Querying the database schema).