Screen Recording [closed]

Solution 1:

There are some similar related questions on

  • What is the best software for desktop recording?
  • Free desktop recording / screencasting on Windows

if you're looking for a free software, consider uTIPu or Wink. I personally recommend a very powerful, commercial software: Camtasia Studio.

P.S.: if you need the beta-password, it is "ewok.adventure".

Solution 2:

I've used CamStudio for a few simple recordings and liked it. It's no cost and open source. I don't know how "supported" it really is anymore, but once I had the AVI files I wanted I was happy... >smile<

Solution 3:

CamStudio is ok, Camtasia Studio pretty much sets the bar.

However, the guys that do Camtasia Studio have a free/low cost product that I think rocks.

The product is

It is free to use, and if you want to upgrade the cost is really low.