Shortcut for joining two lines

What's the keyboard shortcut for joining two lines in VS Code?

If the cursor is anywhere in the first line of


then when I hit the shortcut, I want to get

    f(foo, bar)

Visual Studio Code now comes with a default key binding for joining lines, Ctrl + J.

You can find all keyboard shortcuts under Preferences > Open Keyboard Shortcuts.

You can overwrite it using the UI or by providing a different key combination for the command editor.action.joinLines in keybindings.json.

Press F1, and type Join Lines. By default there is no key bindings to it yet, but you can easily set it under 'Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts', then search for Join Lines and set a shortcut.

You can simply:

  • Select the lines to be joined.
  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+P or F1.
  • Type join lines.

Since the best way is already answered I'm just adding an alternative.

If you want to work with defaults you can hit Ctrl+Del while caret is at the end of the first line.

Works with multi-select too if you want to join multiple lines.