Connect to a MySQL server over SSH in PHP

Solution 1:

SSH Tunnel Solution

Set up an SSH tunnel to your MySQL database server (through a Jumpbox proxy for security).

(A) GUI Tools

Depending on your requirements, you can use a GUI MySQL client with SSH Tunnelling support built-in such as Visual Studio Code Forwarding a port / creating SSH tunnel, TablePlus or use PuTTY to setup local port forwarding.

On macOS, I like Secure Pipes or TablePlus.

(B) Command Line

Step 1.

ssh -fNg -L 3307: [email protected] 

The key here is the '-L' switch which tells ssh we're requesting local port forwarding.

I've chosen to use port 3307 above. All traffic on my local machine directed to this port will now be 'port-forwarded' via my ssh client to the ssh server running on the host at address

The Jumpbox ssh proxy server will decrypt the traffic and establish a network connection to your MySQL database server on your behalf,, in this case. The MySQL database server sees the connection coming in from your Jumpbox' internal network address.

Local Port Forwarding Syntax
The syntax is a little tricky but can be seen as:


If you're interested in the other switches, they are:

-f (go to background)
-N (do not execute a remote command)
-g (allow remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports)

Private Key Authentication, add (-i) switch to above:

-i /path/to/private-key

Step 2.

Tell your local MySQL client to connect through your SSH tunnel via the local port 3307 on your machine (-h which now forwards all traffic sent to it through the SSH tunnel you established in step 1.

mysql -h -P 3307 -u dbuser -p passphrase

Data exchange between client and server is now sent over the encrypted SSH connection and is secure.

Security note
Don’t tunnel directly to your database server. Having a database server directly accessible from the internet is a huge security liability. Make the tunnel target address the internet address of your Jumpbox/Bastion Host (see example in step 1) and your database target the internal IP address of your database server on the remote network. SSH will do the rest.

Step 3.

Now connect up your PHP application with:

      $smysql = mysql_connect( "", "dbuser", "passphrase" );
      mysql_select_db( "db", $smysql ); 

Credit to Chris Snyder's great article detailing ssh command line tunnelling for MySQL connectivity.

Solution 2:

Unfortunately, the ssh2 tunnel offered by php doesn't seem able to handle a remote mysql connection as you cannot specify the local port to tunnel (it only works with port 22 or whatever ssh port your remote server is running on). My solution to this is to just open the tunnel via exec() operator and connect as usual from there:

exec('ssh -f -L 3307: [email protected] sleep 10 > /dev/null');
$mysqli = new mysqli('', 'user', 'password', 'database', '3307');

Solution 3:

I was looking for the same thing, but I prefer not to need external commands and manage external processes. So at some point I thought, how hard can it be to write a pure PHP MySQL client which can operate on any PHP stream? It took me about half a day, based on the MySQL protocol documentation.

You can use this with the SSH2 library or any other stream:

    $ssh = ssh2_connect('');
    ssh2_auth_password($ssh, 'username', 'password');
    $stream = ssh2_tunnel($ssh, 'localhost', 3306);
    $link = new MysqlStreamDriver($stream, 'SQLusername', 'SQLpassword', 'database');
    $link->query('SELECT * FROM ...')->fetch_assoc();

It does not implement the complete mysqli API, but it should work with all plain-text queries. Please be careful if you decide to use this, I haven't thoroughly tested the code yet and the string escaping code has not been reviewed.

Solution 4:

According to the docs, that last parameter is supposed to be a socket or pipe name, something like '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock'. Since you're not connecting using a UNIX socket, that doesn't apply to you... so try just leaving it out.

Solution 5:

I believe that the reason I (and I suppose most people) have a problem getting this to work is because the user in the mysql server is set to only allow from "localhost" and not, the IP address of localhost.

I got this to work by doing the following steps:

Step 1: Allow host for target user

SSH normally into your server, and log in with the mysql root user, then issue the command:

GRANT ALL ON yourdbname.* TO [email protected] IDENTIFIED BY 'yourdbpassword';

The key of course, is specifying above.

Step 2: Start local SSH tunnel to MySQL

You can now start your local SSH tunnel to the remote MySQL server, like so:

ssh -vNg -L 33306: [email protected]

-v makes ssh operate in verbose mode, which kind of helps to see what's happening. For example, you'll see debugging output like this in your terminal console when you attempt a connection:

debug1: client_input_global_request: rtype [email protected] want_reply 0
debug1: Connection to port 33306 forwarding to port 3306 requested.

and output like this when you close the connection:

debug2: channel 2: is dead
debug2: channel 2: garbage collecting
debug1: channel 2: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 33306 for port 3306, connect from port 52112 to port 33306, nchannels 3

-N makes ssh issue no commands, and just wait instead after establishing connection.

-g allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports. Not completely sure if this is necessary but it might be useful for multiplexing multiple connections through the same SSH tunnel.

-L This is the main parameter that specifies the local port 33306 to connect to the remote host's local IP address and the remote host's mysql port, usually 3306.

You can use whatever mechanisms / other parameters needed after this to connect through SSH to your remote host. In my case, I use key files configured in my ~/.ssh/config so I just need to specify user@host to get in.

Issuing the command like this runs SSH in the foreground, so I can easily close it with Ctrl + C. If you want to run this tunnel in a background process you can add -f to do this.

Step 3: Connect from PHP / other mysql compatible methods

The SSH tunnel running from above on your localhost will behave exactly like as if your mysql was running on I use port 33306 (note the triple 3) which lets me run my local sql server at its normal port. You can now connect as you would normally do. The mysql command on the terminal looks like this:

mysql -h -P 33306 -u yourmysqluser -p

where -P (capital P) specifies the port where your SSH tunnel's local end is accepting connections. It's important to use the IP address instead of localhost because the mysql cli will try to possibly use the linux socket to connect.

For PHP connection strings, my data source name string (for my Yii2 config) looks like this:

'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=yourdbname;port=33306',

Passwords, and usernames are specified as normal.