Where to find original windows vista cursors

I reformatted my HDD and installed Windows 7 Ultimate. But i noticed the Windows Animated cursor theme from Windows Vista is gone. Any way to get it back, or an external download source?

I do have access to a Windows Vista installation CD, if they could be extracted from there.

You can use the Registry Editor to see a list of installed cursor themes at

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes

(There is even a typo in the name of one of the schemes in Windows 7: Windows Aero XL))

In any case, system cursors are stored at %systemroot%\Cursors, so if you have your Vista disk, you can extract them:

  1. Get and install 7Zip if you don’t already have it
  2. Use 7Zip to open the file \Sources\Install.wim from the DVD
  3. Navigate to one of the folders (each number corresponds to a different edition of Windows—you can view 1.xml to see which—but the cursors are available in all editions, so any of them will work)
  4. Now navigate to Windows\Cursors and extract them somewhere
  5. Examine the cursor files and keep the ones you want
  6. Now you can select the files in the Pointers tab of the mouse control panel applet (main.cpl) and save it as Windows Animated

I have found a "Windows Animated (system scheme)" in Vista and have extracted the necessary files :


Your can find the two zip-files here :

Windows Animated.zip - Extract the contained .reg file and double-click it.
pointers.zip - Contains Vista cursors missing in Windows 7. Extract them into C:\Windows\Cursors.

Now open Control Panel -> Mouse -> Pointers, and you should now have in the Scheme drop-down list a scheme named Windows Animated.