How to describe being embarrassed due to good fortune or success?

Hypothetical: My friends, family, and village are relatively poor. I own a large modern house on the water with new cars. I don't care about showing off and buy these things simply because they are functional or pleasing to me in some way.

When my friends or family visit they are impressed by my house and are in love with it. They are not overtly envious or angry with me or anything like that and simply are impressed by what I have because they have not seen these sorts of things before.

I feel negative emotions relating to the perspective of others and the social circumstances. I don't think "guilt" is the right word. The closest word I can think of is "embarrassment", but I'm not sure it fits. I don't mind being the center of attention, I don't feel violated, I don't think I've failed or am being criticized, I don't think this is especially awkward in any way, and I don't think I'm necessarily being perceived in a negative way.

What expression can be used to describe this "embarrassment" of having things that others do not?

EDIT: I suppose this feeling would describe any sort of embarrassment due to positive evaluation and not simply due to belongings.

I cannot think of a word or idiom for your situation but this may help.

This is part of a saying about a gentleman but it would apply to a polite, civilized individual such as yourself.

A gentleman does not make the rich man conscious of his wealth nor the poor man conscious of his poverty.

You are being correct to act with modesty, not making a show of all you have. Their reaction to your good circumstances is not within your control.

Embarrassment is, in fact, a good word that fits here perfectly.

Another one would be


  1. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse.

  2. any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action.