How to do a 301 redirect from http to https in a domino server?

I need to do a 301 redirect from to

The Internet site document option that does a TCP to SSL redirect is a response with http code 302.

Does setting this option off and adding a Redirect Web Site Rule to this domain work?

Solution 1:

The 'Redirect TCP to SSL' option is on the Security tab of the WebSite/Internet Site document. However, I just checked this with Fiddler and it uses a 302 response code, not a 301.

Open the Internet Sites doc in question and click the Web Site... -> Create Rule button. Set the following field values:

  • Description: 301 Redir to SSL
  • Type of rule: Redirection
  • Incoming URL pattern: /*
  • Redirect to this URL:*
  • Send 301 Redirect: (checked)

Be sure to restart the HTTP task for these changes to take effect.

Further documentation on this can be found at the following links:
Creating a Web Site Rule document
Http 301 Redirection