How to get syntax highlighting working in TextMate 2

I just cloned TextMate 2 from GitHub. Followed the instructions in the readme file and everything went smooth with the installation. However, there is no syntax highlighting.

No problem – just need themes, right? I found a theme I liked, downloaded and installed. Everything seemed to go fine. However, quitting and restarting TextMate 2 doesn't give me my theme in the menu I see.

View > Theme > No Themes Loaded


Solution 1:

View > Theme is a red-herring. Ignore it.

Go to TextMate > Preferences and choose Bundles. Themes are in bundles in TextMate 2. In the Bundles tab, you can click themes near the top to filter theme-bundles.

Choose the bundle called Themes. When you check the box, it will download and install. Quit, relaunch and you're done.