How to fix GTK theme for Nemo's pathbar breadcrumbs and disk free space barchart

Solution 1:

I installed Nemo from the Mint packaged for Ubuntu archives. This updated it, made some more nemo-* packages available and fixed the breadcrumbs, but I was left with the useless disk space indicators. Here's how I fixed those:

Create your own GTK+3 theme as follows

First, duplicate the Adwaita theme with the name Adwaita-custom

$ cd /usr/share/themes
$ sudo bash  # easier than prepending every line with sudo...
# cp -ar Adwaita Adwaita-custom
# cd Adwaita-custom
# sed -i 's/Adwaita/Adwaita-custom/' index.theme

Now we add special CSS for Nemo

# cd gtk-3.0
# echo '@import url("apps/nemo-custom.css");' >>gtk.css
# mkdir apps
# $EDITOR apps/nemo-custom.css*

Now in that file, here's what I put:

/* For Places Sidebar diskfull indicators */

NemoPlacesTreeView {
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bg-color: #d9d9d9;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-fg-color: #4a90d9 ;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bar-width: 2px;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bar-radius: 1px;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bottom-padding: 1px;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-max-length: 70px;

NemoPlacesTreeView:selected {
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bg-color: #d9d9d9;
    -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-fg-color: shade(#4a90d9,0.5) ;

Save and exit your editor. You can now drop root privileges, too, and/or exit your terminal shell.

Now select Adwaita-custom as the GTK+ theme in the tweak tool ("Advanced Settings") app.

Here's mine now: screenshot

PS. Big thanks to Roman Raguet for the comment which linked to the original nemo css.

PPS. Oh, in my screenshot, you like my small titlebar eh? Yeah, nice. Here's how.