How do I keep a MacBook battery charged to only 70%?

A chemist told me that a battery should be charged to and used between 30-70%, and its very bad for battery life to completely load or unload it.

He uses a utility program that always keeps the charge of his Lenovo laptop between 30% and 70%.

How can I achieve the same effect using Mac OS X?

Update (7 Years later): Its finally here, Apple introduces 'introduces battery health management':

This is now supported through a tool that edits charge level in SMC:

I have it installed on my Macbook 12 (2016 model) it's sitting at 70% plugged in.

I have used a piece of receipt from shop. It is thin enough to fit. The goal is to close middle connector. It is possible to close also 2 connectors at the left or at the right. For example close 3rd, 4th and 5th connectors, but leave free 1st and 2nd or conversely.

enter image description here enter image description here

enter image description here

Based on this article:

  • Use partial-discharge cycles
  • Avoid charging to 100% capacity: why don't you unplug the charger now and then? Or try that software : (Note: I haven't tried it myself...)
  • Limit the battery temperature: make sure your laptop is well vented, and do not forget your laptop in your car during the summer.
  • Do not charge your battery in a cold environment (<0deg Celcius). The charger circuitry is supposed to monitor the temperature but just in case...