I realize I should probably ask this question on AWS forums but I tend to get quicker responses here.

I'm trying to setup a load balanced environment in AWS. I have two EC2 instances that are mirrored and both are accessible via their own public IP address. I have the load balancer set up with the two EC2 instances added to the balancer and it's reporting that the instances are healthy.

What I'm finding is that when accessing the Load Balancer directly like the url they gave me, xxxxxxxxxx.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com, page loads are ridiculously slow... like 45-70 seconds long per page load. When I access the public IP directly to one of the instances we're talking like 3-5 seconds page load.

Any ideas as to why this is so slow?

Solution 1:

The reason for the delay is because you have the ELB setup for multi-az without any application instances in the other 2 AZ's configured. Without instances in those AZ's requests will tend to fail because the ELb still returns IP addresses for those AZ's even if there are no active application instances. Please disable the other AZ's for now and continue your tests.