Problem with double click on title bar or right click on it or Any window washed out and disappear in Ubuntu 14.04

I run over the following problem in Ubuntu 14.04:

When I right click, or double click title bar of a nautilus, or at any opened window, or any browser window and so on, it shade and disappear.

Image is an Example of behavior of terminal window when right/double clicked:


In the previous Ubuntu versions (13.10) when a title bar right-click cause the menu to pop-up. Appears a sub-menu with options to move the window around work spaces and few more choices. Now I can not find this menu, and this option can be reached only with shortcut keys.

I wold be glad to have a hint of that issue.

Solution 1:

You can tweak title-bar actions by using Unity Tweak Tool as following.

open terminal and run sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-toolcommand to install.

Then goto Window Manager > Additional Tab and Set Title-bar Actions.

enter image description here

Double click: Maximize
Right click: Menu

If you choose command-line method then open terminal and type following:

To get current settings for title-bar actions:-

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-double-click-titlebar
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-right-click-titlebar

To set new settings title-bar actions:-

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-double-click-titlebar 'toggle-maximize'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-right-click-titlebar menu

This worked for me. Hope this helps.