On Linux, how do I the check CPU affinity of a process and its threads?

On Linux, how do I the check CPU affinity of a process and its threads?

Solution 1:

It's pretty simple. Gather the all process id and thread ids then call program taskset. Like,

taskset -cp 2
taskset -cp 4

print all by process name

taskset has the --all-tasks optional argument

taskset --all-tasks -p $(pgrep java)

For some processes, the --all-tasks doesn't appear to print all of the child processes (in my testing, it didn't print child processes for kthreadd, I'm not sure why that is).

print all by process name helper script

Here is a short Linux shell script to print CPU affinity for a process by name and all of it's child threads.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu

pname=${1:-kthreadd}  # default to 'kthreadd'
for pid in $(pgrep "${pname}"); do
    echo "PID: ${pid} (${pname})"
    for tid in $(pgrep -P "${pid}" | tr '\n' ' '); do
        taskset -cp "${tid}"


PID: 2 (kthreadd)
pid 4's current affinity list: 0
pid 6's current affinity list: 0
pid 7's current affinity list: 0
pid 8's current affinity list: 0

Tested on Ubuntu 12, bash 4.