To-Do List App with Sync, Repeating To-Dos


has all the features that you require (and more):

  • Due dates ✓
  • Notes ✓
  • Sync to a cloud or web-based service where changes can be made ✓ (Dropbox, iCloud and other)
  • Able to repeat to-dos by due date and last-completed date ✓
  • Prioritization ✓
  • Groups / Filters / Folders such as Business, Personal, School ✓
  • Badge for items due today (tab for today)
  • Projects (which incorporate other to-do items) ✓

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Todo by Appigo does everything you request:

  • Due dates Yes
  • Notes Yes, per task and per project
  • Sync to a cloud or web-based service where changes can be made Yes, sync with toodledo, icloud, dropbox, or a few other methods
  • Able to repeat to-dos by due date and last-completed date Yes
  • Prioritization Yes
  • Groups / Filters / Folders such as Business, Personal, School Yes
  • Badge for items due today Yes, and overdue items
  • Projects (which incorporate other to-do items) Yes - project contain subtasks

There's also an iPad version, and a desktop app, and they all sync to each other using toodledo, dropbox, or icloud.

enter image description here