Can't Mount NTFS drive "The disk contains an unclean file system" [duplicate]

Solution 1:

If you can't access the drive, execute the following command:

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY

where XY is the partition

e.g sda2 or sdb1

Then, mount with:

sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdXY

Solution 2:

I solved the problem with shutdown Windows by cmd

shutdown /s

This is because Windows 8 and 10 offer a "Fast Startup" option that depends on a "non-complete" shutdown

You can disable fast startup by following these steps under "Power Options"

Solution 3:

If you have access to booting and mounting the drive under Windows, do as the message indicates and remove it from the hibernation or fast restarting, or any other special state. You would have to do those things by booting into Windows.

You may also run chkdsk on it from Windows.

If you don't have immediate boot access under Windows for the drive, do as the message says and mount it as read only.

Then access the drive and copy the important data. You can then repair the drive under Ubuntu by reformatting the partition and bring the backed up data back.

Mounting drive as read only:

$ sudo mount -o ro /dev/[partition /media/[mounting point]

Another option is to repair the disk under Ubuntu with ntfsfix:

$ ntfsfix /dev/[partition]