Words associated with collecting money into a jar

Sometimes you see people collecting money into a "jar" with a hole for coins in it. This may or may not be intended for charity (e.g. it could also be used by someone playing a guitarr on the street).

My question is: what is the everyday name of such a jar and what is the action of collecting money into it called? If you have more than one word propositions, please share.

Solution 1:

what is the everyday name of such a jar?

Such a jar is called money box, penny bank, or piggy bank

what is the action of collecting into it called?

Action of collecting money for oneself is called savings or nest egg. Action of collecting money for others is called fundraising. Action of collecting money from others for your performance is called donation or tip and such a jar is called donation or tip box.

nest egg: a fund of money accumulated as a reserve. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nest%20egg

Solution 2:

In British English this would be called a 'Collecting Tin' As per Collins Dictionary:

a tin for donations of money for charity or another particular purpose

He found a coin in his pocket and slipped it into her collecting tin, helping himself to a scarlet poppy.

You will note that it covers collections being made for non-charitable purposes as well as charitable.

Additionally, the terminology can still be used even if the collecting tin is plastic, as a google image search for 'collecting tin' demonstrates.

However, someone 'busking', playing their guitar or other instrument on the street for money would be unlikely to use a tin. Traditionally they would use an upturned hat, but many musicians will leave their instrument case open for donations or have a small box or plastic bucket so that people can drop money in as they pass rather than having to push it through a slot. Such a box or bucket might still be metaphorically referred to as a 'hat', as in the phrase 'put out the hat'.