How to replace spaces with newlines/enter in a text-file?

A few choices:

  1. The classic, use tr:

    tr ' ' '\n' < example
  2. Use cut

    cut -d ' ' --output-delimiter=$'\n' -f 1- example
  3. Use sed

    sed 's/ /\n/g' example
  4. Use perl

    perl -pe 's/ /\n/g' example
  5. Use the shell

    foo=$(cat example); echo -e ${foo// /\\n}

Try the below command

awk -v RS=" " '{print}' file


awk -v RS='[\n ]' '{print}' file


$ awk -v RS=" " '{print}' example


RS (Record separator) is an built-in awk variable. In the first command, the value given to the Record separator variable is space. Awk breaks the line from printing whenever it finds a space.

In the second command, the value given to the RS variable is space or a new line character.This command eliminates the extra blank line appeared while running the first command.

You can use xargs,

cat example | xargs -n 1

or, better

xargs -n 1 < example

Using a perl oneliner:

perl -p -i -e 's/\s/\n/g' example

It will replace spaces and tabs with "ENTER" (aka \n)

No one posted python, so here's that:

python -c "import sys;lines=['\n'.join(l.strip().split()) for l in sys.stdin.readlines()];print('\n'.join(lines))" < input.txt 

We redirect input file into python's stdin stream, and read it line by line. Each line is stripped of its trailing newline, split into words, and then rejoined into one string where each word is separated by newline.This is done to ensure having one word per line and avoid multiple newlines being inserted in case there's multiple spaces next to each other. Eventually we end up with list of strings, which is then again joined into larger string, and printed out to stdout stream. That later can be redirected to another file with > out.txt redirection.