Is there a GUI for configuring the Radeon Open Source Drivers and Mesa 3D similar to Catalyst Control Center?

There are a few GUI tools available to control and monitor AMD open-source graphics under Linux but none of them are as easy to use or install as AMD's CCC:

  1. DriConf - GUI for controlling the direct rendering settings (OpenGL) of all open-source drivers. Pretty hard to use and hasn't been updated since 2006. Phoronix has an overview and comparison to AMD's CCC.

    enter image description here

    DriConf can be found in the 'universe' repository of Ubuntu and can be downloaded from the Software Center:

    Install via the software center

  2. radeon-profile - control power and clock settings on recent kernels (relies on new radeon dynamic power management). Documentation and support may be found in this Phoronix thread

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Unfortunately there aren't packages/PPAs available for radeon-profile. You will have to compile it manually.