C# DllImport with C++ boolean function not returning correctly

I found the solution for your problem. Your declaration should be preceded with this marshaling: [return:MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]

so everything should look like this:

[DllImport("Whisper.dll", EntryPoint="Exist", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]  
public static extern bool Exist([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

I tested it in my very simple example and it worked!

Why this happens? C defines bool as 4 bytes int (as some of you have said) and C++ defines it as 1 byte. C# team decided to use 4 byte bool as default during PInvoke because most of the system API function use 4 bytes values as bool. If you want to change this behavior you have to do it with marshaling specifying that you want to use 1 byte value.

C'sbool is actually int, as there is no boolean type in the original C language. That means that if C#'s DLLImport is designed to interop with C code, then they will expect that C#'s bool to correspond to C's int. While this still doesn't explain why false would become true, fixing it should fix the problem.


This says that UnmanagedType.Bool is the Win32 BOOL, which is an int.

This is actually caused by EAX not being fully cleared out by typical C++ code that returns a bool. It's typical for EAX to contain some bogus value when entering a function, and to return false the compiler would typically emit xor al, al. This clears out only the LSB of EAX, and causes C# code to interpret the resulting non-zero value as true instead of false.

Perhaps marshaling the argument of the function might help:


Here is how the declaration should look like:

[DllImport("Whisper.dll", EntryPoint="Exist", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern bool Exist([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);